Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I have been selected by Brian B Hayes to attend an exclusive weekend modeling/photography tutorial at the Ultimate Hollywood Mansion! He is one of the top photographers in the industry and this is an incredible opportunity for me to learn from the best of the best. Here are the details:

Hosted by: and Brian B. Hayes is a top swimwear and lingerie photographer. He has years of experience shooting ads, magazine spreads and covers, as well as his top selling SNI swimwear calendar. Here’s your chance to shoot lingerie and swimwear with the best models at the hottest mansion in LA. This two day shoot gives you a personal one on one opportunity to learn and shoot with Brian B. Hayes. Brian gives you a hands-on instruction and secret tips on how to shoot the hottest images possible. Brian will show you lighting tips, composition, and model posing instructions. Most importantly he will show you his personal style on how to get the best photos when shooting models in swimwear and lingerie. Even more Brian will show you how to shoot at a level that few understand which means shooting subliminal messages.

Shoot Date: Saturday and Sunday, December 6-7, 2008 9:30am - 5:00pm